Registration Procedure & Policies

Advisement and Consultation

Students must meet their assigned academic advisors who will help them in selecting the courses and in planning the schedule for the semester. The advisors may also approve the schedule.

Selection courses and Register Online

Once the student selects courses with help of his/her advisor, the student completes the registration process either manually or online. Students must satisfy the prerequisite requirements of a course as per the study plan of AGU programs.

Students on probation cannot register online and shall consult their Academic Advisers for advice and further course of action as per policy.

Add and drop of Courses period:

The add and/ or drop processes are designed to enable the students to make some changes in their course(s) after the completion of the regular registration process as notified by the Registrar Office.

Students can drop and/or add the course(s) following the dates published in the Academic Calendar.  Students interested in dropping or adding a course(s) should fill and submit the required form and submitted to the Registrar office.

Withdrawal from Courses:

Withdrawal from a course means the removal of the course from the student’s registration after the period declared for dropping and/or adding courses has ended.

Students are permitted to withdraw from a course(s) after filling and submitting the appropriate withdrawal form to the Register Office.  Withdrawal from a course(s) must occur no later than the last day for withdrawal without grade “F” published in the Academic Calendar.

Cancelling Registration / Postponement of Semester:

Cancelling registration means cancelling registration of all courses for a particular semester. Provided that a student has been in the University for at least one semester, and for certain un-avoidable non-academic reasons the student may apply to postpone cancel the registration of all the courses for a particular semester.

Postponement of registration shall not exceed two consecutive semesters, or four separate semesters during the study period, including the semesters in which the student has sought cancellation of registration.

Semester-End Marks and Grades Appeal:

All grades of the students should be communicated to the student and each component should be signed / acknowledged as seen by the student.
It will be the responsibility of the student to contact his/her instructor in case he/she has any grievance about the marks or grade awarded by the instructor.
A student seeking a further review must submit a grade appeal to the Registration Office within seven (7) days one week of the declaration of the examination result using the appropriate form and paying the prescribed reevaluation/grade appeal fee in the Accounts Office. The Registration Office shall confirm the receipt of the applicable fee and then forward the appeal to the concerned Dean/Academic Head.
The Dean/Academic Head shall form a committee (including the faculty member who assigned the grade) to review the case. The committee shall submit its recommendation to the Dean/Academic Head as soon as possible. The decision of the Dean/Academic Head shall be considered final in determining the marks / grade of the appealing student.
The College Dean/HOD must complete the review process within one week of the receiving the grade appeal and then forward the form to the Registration Office for further processing.
The Registration Office shall implement the decision taken by the College/Department and inform the student within three (3) days.


The student must complete the “Clearance Form for Students” as the information concerning the fully completed graduation requirements for a particular program.

The student must fill the form and submit to the Registrar Office.  No student will receive his/her degree or diploma or a copy of the transcript unless the university fees are fully paid by the student.

Degrees and Certificates

Degrees and Certificates shall be conferred at graduation semester or at such other times during the year and will be conferred only to candidates who have completed the graduation process and upon the approval of the college. The Degrees will be prepared and distributed by the registrar office.

Replacing Degree Certificates

If an original degree certificate is destroyed or lost, a duplicate may be ordered from the Registrar Office.

The Duplicate Degree Request Form must be filled by the graduate; and any evidence that the original documents were lost, stolen, or destroyed must be attached to the Request Form (e.g., Police Report, Fire Department Report). If the original degree is damaged, the Duplicate Degree Request Form must be submitted to the Registrar Office with the damaged diploma attached.

To receive this duplicate, the graduate must fill the Replacement of Degree Certificate Requisition Form, which is available in the Registrar Office, and pay the university’s degree certificate fee.

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