Ungergraduate Policy

Under Graduate Admission Policy

1.      General Admission Requirements

Students seeking admission to the undergraduate program of the university should possess UAE General Secondary School Certificate or equivalent educational level recognized by MOHESR with a minimum average high school score of 60% or equivalent.

2.      English Language Requirement

In order to be admitted to an undergraduate program taught in English at AGU, a candidate must demonstrate sufficient command of the English language as measured by the TOEFL or any other internationally recognized equivalent and standard test. The candidate must submit a minimum score (not older than two years) of 500 (paper based) or 173 (computer based) or 61 (iBT) on the international TOEFL or submit a score of 5.00 (overall) on IELTS or other internationally recognized equivalent test score as approved by the CAA, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, UAE. The students transferring from other institutions to AGU must also meet the same English language requirement.

3.      Program Specific Requirements (for engineering programs only)

In addition to the academic requirements mentioned above, a candidate must have studied and passed physics, chemistry and mathematics up to grade 12 in their secondary school education to apply for admission into the Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering programs. Alternatively, the candidate must pass the relevant challenge test conducted by AGU.

4.      Probationary Admission

A student who does not meet the English Language requirements may be offered “Probationary Admission” until he/she satisfies the English Language requirement specified in the earlier section. The student admitted in this category must sit for an English placement exam. Based on the results of this test the students shall be admitted in a certain level of English Preparatory Program (EPP). The EPP students will take a combination of non-credit English test preparatory courses to assist them in achieving the desired English language requirements as well as credit-bearing courses from the GE program according to their EPP levels. Such student will not be allowed to take more than 15 credits of course work during their probationary period. Upon meeting the English language requirements the student will be granted full admission into the specified undergraduate program and the credit-bearing courses will be counted towards the requirements of that particular program.

5.      Transfer Admission

Credit transfer is the award of credit in recognition of studies from a previously completed or partially completed program or qualification. AGU may admit students transferring from other federal or licensed institution in the UAE, or a foreign institution of higher learning based outside the UAE and accredited in its home country and grant undergraduate program credits provided they satisfy the following conditions.

  1. Students meet the English language proficiency requirements for the undergraduate program (see section 2), prior to commencing their study in that program. No probationary admission is allowed under any circumstances for transfer admissions.
  2. AGU will transfer undergraduate program credits only for postsecondary courses relevant to the degree that provided equivalent learning outcomes and in which the student earned a grade of C (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) or better. The number of transferred credits must not exceed 50% of the total number of credits which are required to complete the program.
  3. Permit students who are not in good academic standing to transfer to a program in a field different than the one from which the student is transferring.
  4. Students shall not be eligible to receive credit twice for substantially the same course taken at two different institutions.
  5. No credit transfer for any final year course, specialized elective course, capstone, internship or graduation project shall be allowed.
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